I myself normally resist change and I believe there are some of you who are like me. Perhaps changes are not as bad as we imagine and since we cannot stop these changes happening, then we may learn to face then in a better way and see the benefits of new circumstances and experiences.
We are going to work with a text and a video called "Who moved my cheese". It is based in the same book by Spencer Johnson.
This book is a simple parable that tells an amusing story of 4 characters who live in a maze* and look for cheese to nourish* them and make them happy. They represent the way different people behave when they face change in their life.
In this parable* cheese is a metaphor for what we want to have in life: a job, love, friends, money, a big house, freedom, health, recognition, etc.
And the maze represents where you spend time looking for what you want.
The 4 characters are *Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw*
* Parable - parábola.
* maze - laberinto
* nourish - nutrirse, alimentarse
* scurry (apresurarse), sniff (husmear), hem (cohibir), hem and haw (vacilar)
1. First, we will read this summary , and order the key events of the parable according to the story and the video. We will work with it in the classroom later.
2. Next, watch the video as many times as you need to understand it. Take a note on your notebook of the statements Haw writes on the wall, and translate them.
You can also have a look at this excerpt from the book.
3. After that we will work with this presentation
and will transform as many statements as you can into conditional sentences (we will revise this exercise in the classroom).
4. Finally, in pairs, think of a situation where a change takes place in your life. Each of you will play a role (scurry, sniff, hem or haw) and then you will write together about what you would do if you were one of those characters in that situation. Bring your comments to the classroom, then you will have to write them on the blog.
8 comentarios:
My friend has cancer and she is very bad. She is in hospital. Her family is looking after Luisa. She weeps because she can die. She is sad.
-If Luisa were Hem she wouldn´t accept the cancer.
-If Marian were Scurry she would help Luisa, she would listen to Luisa and she would looking after Luisa and the family.
-If Raquel were Haw, she wouldn´t accept her cancer. Later, if Raquel were Haw, she would accept the change.
-If Ana were Sniff she would accept the cancer and she would help Luisa. If Ana were Sniff she wouldn´t be sad.
--Mª Angustias Caballero
--Raquel Castillo
--Ana López
We were sent a letter by Oxford University. If we accept the proposae we will move to Oxford to study. It's a problem because we are afraid of getting separated of our families.
What would we do?
-Elena: If I were Sniff I would have a good foreboding about Oxford and I think that I should go there to study. I would call all my family every week to speak with them. Also I would write a lot of postcards with beautiful images of the city, so that they can see where I live.
-Raquel: If I were Scurry I would do the change inmediately. I would like to go to Oxford to live adventures. I would be crazy! It's a wonderful opportunity. If I were there I would make a lot of new friends and my life would change in a possitive way.
-Keren: If I were Haw, I would doubt about what to do. I wouldn't know what to do. I should go to Oxford University, but I think in my family, I'm doubting.
That's the possibility of my life. I can improve my studies and get a good job.
Finally, I would decide that I will move to Oxford.
-Elena García Aguayo
-Raquel López Eugenio
-Keren Ruth Sánchez Fernández
I don't pass an exam and I fail the subject. If I didn't go to the exam in June I would go to the exam in September.
If I were Scurry I would Study inmediately very hard and I'd pass the exam in June, because I adapt to the change early and I need change the situation inmediately.
-Daniel Sánchez Olmo
You have to move to another country because you found a good job there.The change here is that you have to know well the lenguage,yoy
have to find a new house and make new friends.
-If I werw Scurry,I would move to that country and learn the language inmediately,I wouldn´t doubt about what to do.(Irene Caballero Gómez)
-If I were Hem, I would think about the change and I would convice myself of not going there because the situation would get worse.(Mari Carmen López García)
That the situation: We have a job in which we are comfortable, good. But, suddenly, we are offered a new job by a bussiness. We like this job so much. The problem is the job is in another country. We would have to go there alone, without family or friends. What can we do?
If we took the new job, we would be alone in a new plce where we would live without family and friends and we wouldn't know no one, nothing.
If we took the new job we would work doing something that we love so we would be happy.
Borja: If I were Haw, I would think about it, and finally I'll take the nex job.
Sarai: If I were Scurry, I would take the job immediately.
- Borja Fernández García Valdecasas
- Sarai Torres Calvo.
My parents haven't a job. They begin to look for it. Then, they get a good new. They have found it, but the bad new is the movement. I have to move of high school, and I have to meet new teachers and friends.
If I were Haw, I wouldn't accept it, because I couldn't change of
life. Finally, I would try to adapt me.
-Gabriel Segura
I`m in the army and I had intended to Irak.On the one hand I`m happy because it is a good experience for my career but on the other I`m sad because it is very dangerous.
What can I do?
-If I were Hem,I wouldn`t go to Irak.
-If I were Haw,I wouldn`t go because later I would go.
-If I were Hem,I wouldn`t go to Irak because I think this is very dangerous.
Last week my parent told me they would get divorce because they weren't happy together.
If I were Sniff, I would speak t my parents and tell them that I accept their decision, besause if they aren't happy I won't be happy.
If I were Hem I wouldn't want to speak with them, and I would be crying all day.
- Mª Isabel Delgado Rodríguez
- Aurora Heredia García
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