There are several types of violence against women: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Harmful Traditional Practices, Trafficking in Women and Girls, etc. Some of them are more frequent in underdeveloped countries, but all of them may occur in developed countries as well, and very close to where we live.
Read some of the information linked below and then comment on what you learned or thought about this problem when were reading these pages. The following questions can help you with your comment:
- What was surprising for you in the information you have read about violence against women?
- Have you ever been a witness of this kind of violence? In that case, how did you feel?
- Do you think a "violence perpetrator" can change his behaviour?
Unifem Facts & Figures
Domestic Violence: What is it?
Imagine what it is like
Read about some of Myths and stereotypes about domestic violence.
Respect's philosophy
A collection of posters selected by my colleague Pablo
have a nice week
13 comentarios:
I think that there wouldn`t any problems if we teach to children since they are small. All men are equal and we shouldn`t feel better than women because they are like us.
I think that this is very interesting. I do not believe that I am normal that so many women die due to the mistreatment (I domesticate, the violence ..) I think that we must try to solve this problem, from the attempt of this one, giving to chats, doing workshops ... I believe that the people were changing.
I think that we live in a culture where the violence is normal, where the aggressive behavior don't change and it gets worse.
All we are humans, but all we don't want a equality society.
It must change, and we must begin educating to the children in the equality, and giving them example of it.
Gabriel Segura
I think that this theme is an important problem and so it must be discussed in schools, works, in the houses…
A lot of women die to day because the violent acts.
In the information there are a lot of myths that in my view are very stupid.
Luckily I don’t see violence acts, but I think that if I see them I have frightened.
With this homework I have known words that I didn’t know before, like “perpetrator”.
My congratulations to Pablo because the posters are very beautiful, interesting and varied.
Mª Isabel Delgado Rodriguez
This theme is very interesting because today many women died for violence against them. But my question is: why??....If the society has advance in many things, why not in this. I can not understand it. This information is very good to convince people that it must change and we must to fight for the women´s right.
I only hope this change soon and the death of thousand of women stops.
Sarai Torres Calvo
New Words:
condoned: tolerada
coerced: coaccionado
otherwise: de otro modo
efforts: esfuerzos
laws: leyes
issue: cuestión
Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions. I think that this theme is an important problem.Many myths surround domestic violence but I think that if I see them I have frightened.
I think that this problem should be solved as soon as possible because the people innocent die.
Manuela Santiago Alcalá
I think that this theme is very interesting. The woman, the lesbian and the gays must fight for their right. I think that a man who mistreats to a woman can't change his behaviour.
It's a present problem and we must stop it.
The word that I learned are:
behaviour: comportamiento
isolation: aislamiento
relationshi: relaciones
I think, the persons mistreat to others persons, they are like an animals. I don't see good the violence, because it hurt the society and it's unjust. In spite of the society is more avanced the violence continued existing. Therefore the all people must perform against violence.
I think that violence is wrong because the woman is the most beautiful that man can have. But there is also violence in women and men that is more silent and conose less, but there is such cases. Both kinds of violence are wrong what should be done to fix things is the dialogue.
I think this is interesting. The problem to the violence against women is very important because it hurt many families. Imagine a child, when he sees to his father hurt to his mother , how does he feel? Many women dead every day and there is that stop this. Everybody must change and help to stop this problem because if we don´t do something , this won´t finish.
I think that domestic problems are a thing of the couple, not just women. Although lately society is opening up mentality. In the future there will be fewer differences between the couple. We educate our children with this idea. Little by little, women will accept. Before the woman was very badly.
The theme more surprising that I have read about violence against women is that occur in developed countries and in different cultures.
There are a important number of victims at year.
Violence is a major cause of death for the women.
I think that we could do something for change this situation.
We must defend the rights of women.
Say no to violence against women.
Manuel Pérez Gutiérrez
I think that we live in a violence world,because every day,we can see death everywhere,and above,gender violence.I think our society has progressed, but still people go to women differently than men.I hope that in the time all this will change and all people can live in peace.
Lorena Avilés Romero
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