Your task here is:
1st: watch the video about WATER once, if you watch it on the YouTube version posted on this blog you will be able to control it and go backward and forward as many times as you need.
2nd Take a note of the main words and ideas that appear on the video
3rd Watch the video again and read the transcript by clicking on this link.
4th write a comment on this blog to tell us:
- a) Your opinion about this video.
- b) Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of our planet? Why?
To get to know more about climate change go to this page where you can watch several videos about this topic. Greenpeace Videos
18 comentarios:
I think that he water is a problem very important because as the video ask the water is very important for the life for example in the hygiene, and must is drinking.
I am pessimistic because is a problem that the people let pass and you believe that don´t arrive the moment that really the water finish or is pollution, but I think that if you think can save water and inter every people maybe the water and la pollution will aren´t a problem so important.
Pollution is so severe, that diseases are increasing in both humans and animals. Habitat are being destroyed, rain is turning into acid. So many chemicals flow into rivers and lakes that the actual composition of water in some places has been fundamentally changed.
Massive dams displace millions of people and destroy whole eco systems.
I think that is a problem for all why we can destroy the planet.
Manuela Santiago Alcala.
The water is very important in the life of the people and so everybody must help with little things everyday, like turn off the cock when you don’t use it.
Today there are a lot of people dying for this problem and all people are blame.
I think that this video is very interesting because it explains very well one of the environmental problems and this information is very important in the actuality.
I learn a lot of things about this theme than before I don’t know and I learn new words and expressions like “water supplies”, “hidden”, etc.
Mª Isabel Delgado Rodriguez
I think that the video is very interesting. El video speaks about the enveriomental problems.The water is very important for the life.
Every people can help if re-use, rycicle,.. we are help at the enverimental problems, because are important.I think that the governors have that act in this problems that is of every peole.
I learn more about the this problems.
Ana Mª López Bascuñana
The world is ill and we must help to change it because it's own obligation.Unfortunately even if you reduce, re-use and recycle, other people won't.It seems people can do nothing.
We can and we must cure the world for living, because the environmental problems are so big.We save the world before it's worse.
Guillermo Estero Jiménez.
Hi! Who are you?
I think that the video is very interesting. My opinion about this theme is: the people are destroying the planet and so i are pesimist about the future of the planet. I think that the people can change the planet but I’m not satisfied that it.The water is insufficient for the people and the global warming is severe.
That’s why we must protec the world.
The problems I happen environmental they are great, the majority of the persons we neither recycle, and re-use and reduce. Because of the problems I happen environmental the cap of ozone we are going to destroy it, many animals and plants are disappearing. There is many pollution. The diseases are increasing. But even the persons we can change the problems I happen environmental, consuming less it waters through for example, reduces and re-use and recycle.
Raquel Castillo Lozano
I think that this video is very interesting. Water is a limited resource and we squandes this water in: have a shower, wash, water... besides in wars, climate chage, overpopulation, etc. By this we still have time tot urn this around.
I am pessimistic about the future of our planet because every time have wars, floods, earthquaks. Besides enviromental problems: global warming, ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, climate change, etc.
Amalia Fernández Prados
I think that this video is very interesting, because it explains one of the environmental problems that is very important in the actuality. The water is very important in the life for all and many people don`t use good. There are many people that have not water for have a shower or drink when they want, it is one serious problem that we have that solve. I think that we can learn a lot of things about this problem and we can do something for stop the pollution.
MªCarmen Ortuño Rull
This video is very good to convince oneself we have the world´s change in our hands. The video is talking us about water´s problems and the importance water has in our life.
I´m a bit pessimistic about the future of our planet because today people are not worried, only think to live the moment, not tomorrow. I think the majority are egoist and they believe the actions they do everyday don´t have signigicance.However, everybody is not the same and many try to help to save this world with little actions.
Sarai Torres Calvo
I think that this video is so realistic.
It's about enviromental problems and water wasted.
Water is a limited resource, and people don't be aware.
This video is also of pollution and other problems.
These problems are very serious, because many species of plants and animals are dissapearing.
I am pessimistic about the future of our planet because people don't be aware and the world becames a mess.
My friend told me: -I have to learn many things from nature.
And I told him: -Hurry up! Because nature is consumed.
Raquel López Eugenio
with this video I learnt a lot of things about the earth;for example: Only 3% is water fresh locked in glcers,snow cover,ice and permafrost.Itis a basichuman right.Several problems are polluction,overpopulation,climate change,rain acid and throw chemicals into the rivers.
Global warning is causing by flouding and droughts.These stress have created political and military conflicts and produce people fithting for it.
conserve water
increase enviromental regulation
reduce,re-use and recycle
use energy sources renewable and clean.
too I learnt other new words.
Mari Carmen Lopez Garcia.
I liked this video a lot, because I learnt there is only a little part of fresh water in our planet and polluted water is destroying whole eco systems.
I don´t think we can do too many things for our planet nowadays, but if we try we can stop pollution and the waste of water that people is doing every day in their houses.
We should try to fight for water because without it, we will die soon.
Irene Caballero
I think that the video is very important because it says that our planet is ill and we must help him.The water is very important in ours life but we don`t be aware because everybody often waste it.My opinion about this problem is that every person must be optimist and they do little thing for to help our worlds,but the our future will be dark.All people pass of this subject...they don´t know the danger.
Lorena Avilés Romero. 1BACH E
This video is very important for the world and interesting for the people.It can change the planet.
I think that we shouldn't waste the water because in the future we have a serius problem with this.
I am pessimistic about this topic but I think that young people can save the word thanks to the information of this video.
At schools, the teachers should educate to students about the enviromental problems.
Manuel Pérez Gutiérrez
The video thought me more interesting because I learnt this problem of our planet: the global warming.
I think it is a serius problem, there for all people must protect the Earth. Everyone must recicle, reduce and re-use. The environmental problem is injurius for ecosystem. Even so, the problem is irremediable.
The planet this formed by water in a very high percentage, but the water is finite because alone a small part of her is drinkable, the contamination this increasing and new illnesses are appearing. the resources are not well distributed for that reason they are drying off aquifer and extinguishing the species. because of this bad distribution of the water there are many people that don't have drinkable water. but we are even on time of stopping this situation. for not putting an end to our planet
The water is the second more important substance for the living things. Without it we couldn't live.
For that reason, the protection of the water cycle must to be our first priority. We have to protect it.
About the future of our planet I'm pessimistic because there is a lot of enviromental problems, little responsibility and a short term of time.
A change is possible if all we were decided to act.
Gabriel Segura Ruiz
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